The waiting room stay is more pleasant and relaxing with air-conditioning, wire-free hi-fi music system, TV screen and toilet. To avoid a long wait we recommend to arrange an appointment for peaceful, stress-free pet care.
Modern linear and micro-convex digital ultrasound scanner that nowadays is essential in veterinary practices to evaluate vascular, gastrointestinal hepatic, kidney and bladder morphology and function. Moreover it is also an important instrument for early pregnancy diagnosis, (21 days) and for checking and monitoring foetus health and vitality.
The echocardiography machine is upgraded with an echocardiographic probe, which is essential for diagnosing, staging and monitoring cardiac pathologies.
High frequency X-Ray machine used to examine intrathoracic, abdominal and orthopaedic pathologies.
The microscopic technique is a primary examination in the haematological, coprological, cytological and dermatological clinical diagnosis. The evaluation of the cell types in the blood and in the urine is able by itself to provide the diagnosis of a disease; as also the cytological examination of skin or intra-abdominal nodules and of skin scratch tests.
The surgery room is equipped to allow sterile and safe execution of most operations that pets may need in different periods of their life; therefore not just sterilization, but also Caesarean section, twisted stomach, enterectomy, urethrostomy, etc...
Via delle Saline ramo II, 21 – 30013 Cavallino Tre Porti (Venice)
Phone: 0413191423
Fax. 0413032743
Office hours
Summer hours: from 15/06 to 15/09
» Monday thru Friday: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
» Saturday 8.30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Winter hours from 16/09 to 14/06
» Monday thru Friday: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
» Saturday 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
We recommend to arrange visits on appointment or out of office hours: no extra charge.
For emergencies out of office hours, during the night and on holidays call 3494240967.
House calls on appointment.
VETERINARIO MARE BLU - Via delle Saline ramo II, 21 – 30013 Cavallino Treporti (Venezia)
Tel.0413191423 - Fax 0413032743 - - P.iva 04181810278
Associazione professionale
Direttore sanitario Dott. Jonathan Ongaro - Numero iscrizione ordine medici veterinari Venezia: 426